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Customer Info Sheet for Land Only

(Our application form accepts up to 4 applicants in one submittal. If you have more than 4 applicants that are 19 Yrs and Older, then when you are finished submitting the first application form with 4 applicants, you will need to come back to this site and submit another application form for your remaining applicants)

======== HOME INFO

*** Some properties do not allow Manufactured Homes and some properties do not allow Site-Built Homes. Be sure to speak to our Agent to be sure you are looking at the property that best suites your needs.

======== ADDITIONAL OCCUPANTS - Children


======== PETS / ANIMALS

Whether I currently have pets, or will have pets in the future - I am aware that there is a Lease Law and agree to abide by all City, County, State, Government Laws and Regulations pertaining to owning a pet, including but not limited to, proper vaccinations, containment, shelter, etc; as well as any Rules or Regulations dictated by and HOA that may be active in my neighborhood; so my pets do not become a nuisance or danger to my neighbors.

======== VEHICLES

Other than regular vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Etc) will you have any sort of large of commercial vehicle on the property, regardless if you are the owner or if it is a work vehicle owned by your employer. ---- ** PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU MAY NOT PARK IT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, OR ON ANOTHER PROPERTY. -- IT MUST ONLY BE PARKED ON YOUR PROPERTY. ---- You must be sure that your vehicle is not damaging the road or any culverts, etc or you will be responsible for the cost of repairs. ---- For example: RV, Big-Rig, 18-Wheeler, Delivery Truck, School Bus, City or County Vehicle, Squad Car, Etc



I/We, the undersigned, understand that Power Real Estate is the Sellers Agent and representative for the Owner/Landlord and that the Selling Agent's fees will be paid by the Owner/Landlord. The undersigned acknowledge(s) that this written notice was received prior to the undersigned receiving a deed or lease option agreement.
I/We, the undersigned, declare the foregoing information is complete and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We hereby authorize you or your representing agents, to use all of the above information to approve or disapprove my/our offer, including the right to make independent investigations of current or past employment history, credit references, and public records. I/We, the undersigned, understand thta giving false information is a serious criminal offense and that a misrepresentation on this document can result in legal action against you.
I/We, the undersigned, understand that failure to close on the property after the offer has been approved will result in the deposit being retained as liquidated damages. All deposits placed on the property after the offer is approved are Non-Refundable as well.
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